Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know
What's Inside
1. Banksy
2. Vhils
3. (Above) Tavar Zawacki
4. ROA
5. C215
6. Mentalgassi
7. Hyuro
8. Titi Freak
9. SpY
10. Blu

Walking along the streets of your city, you notice some graffiti on walls, do you? Some of them are just inscriptions and some are so enchanting and detailed, that you stop and look at it at once. Street art is so different; it has so many forms and shapes! But yet, society raises the question ‘Is street art vandalism?’.

We will help you to find an answer to this question yourself. We gathered 10 street artists who made a great impact on street art perception. Read the article and you will also get to know why street art is important.

1. Banksy

If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably heard about Banksy. When you look at his artworks for the first time, you think that it is beautiful. But if you go deeper, you notice the seriousness of each art piece. Anonymous Londoner is the one who opens the eyes to the reality. Banksy’s artworks are an example of how street art affects society.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

He depicts the human race and its stupidity, social and political issues. With all the dark humor and satirical imagery, he became of the scandal street artists. Each artwork is highly meaningful: deep meaning conveyed by the mask of simple characters and scenes.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

If you like street art by Banksy, our Banksy collection featuring the reproductions of his famous artworks may interest you as well.

2. Vhils

Portuguese street artists Alexandre Farto, known as Vhils, has his own artistic technique that brought him fame. This is the case when creation means destruction. Vhils uses tools as drill and chisel to make his artworks on walls.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

The process of scratching the top layer of a wall is also a symbolic one. He believes that our social system somehow reminds of a wall with many layers and by getting rid of some of them, we’ll be able to accomplish a pure form. Alexandre depicts portraits of people he finds on the pages of magazines. Why? Because he likes to make the icons out of ordinary people.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

3. (Above) Tavar Zawacki

At first, Above was an anonymous street artist. But in 2007 he decided to reveal his real name and start signing his works. Tavar is American artists who have left his drawings on the walls of approximately 100 cities around the world. He is known for his abstract, geometric style, and optical illusions.

His famous stencils are "Giving to the poor", "Bridge the divide" and some other that depict our society’s problem.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

4. ROA

ROA is a master of details. Using a few colors – traditional black and white, and a few others, he depicts the wild or urban animals of the walls in different countries.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

His artworks are large and highly detailed, that can be used at the biology lessons!

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

5. C215

Christian Guémy is a French street artist whose graffiti became the symbols of stencil art. He depicts the portraits of people: homeless, kids, elderly and refugees.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

Cats are another subject of his artworks. Also, he depicts his daughter Nina and we can simply watch her turning a beautiful lady out of a small kid.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

6. Mentalgassi

If you notice every detail while walking along the streets, Mentalgassi artworks are for you. They are usually depicted on the spots people don’t look at. It can be a column, a fence or even a bus stop. You also have to stand at a certain angle to admire the whole artwork.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

7. Hyuro

Tamara Djurovic is a female street artist that is famous for the large-sized artworks. She depicts the human body on the walls, which is a central focus.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

Also, depicting animals or people she achieves a motion effect. Women and motherhood are also frequently drawn images. Tamara is an important figure in street art, as we can see the feminine point of view on the things that surround us.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

8. Titi Freak

Hamilton Yokota is a street artist that unites the Western and Eastern cultures in his artworks. He depicts pop-images, different characters, and colorful koi fish.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

9. SpY

An anonymous street artist from Madrid, SpY is full of ideas on how to shake up the usual life and world perception of dwellers. His artworks are full of positivity and humor.

Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

10. Blu

Blu is a street artist from Italy, who started to draw graffiti in Bologna. He is known of the epic scale of his artworks. Before drawing a new graffiti, he talks to the locals and thinks of something unique for each place. Street Art Revealed: 10 Artists to Know

Blu uses the creativity of his and the harmonic colors combinations to make an unusual piece of art. Was this article interesting? Share it with friends!

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