How to Hang Multi Panel Wall Art?

How to Hang Multi Panel Wall Art?
What's Inside
Step 1: Get everything prepared
Step 2: Think about the desired spot for your art
Step 3: Mark the wall
Step 4: Place the nail
Alternatives: Forget about Damaging Walls

Nowadays people are choosing multi-panel decorations more and more often. It may be explained by the tendency for creating an eye-catching interior where each piece is elaborately picked. Beautiful multi panel pictures will make your home feel fresh and renewed. Such décor is also great at creating the dramatic effect and increasing the level of stylishness of your interior.

Okay, you have chosen artwork and decide to finally transform your place with it. But how to hang canvas panels? What’s the optimum distance between panels? What tools are needed?

Stay with us, and we will help you to get this done right, quickly, and stress-free. Follow our step-by-step guide and start hanging that fancy wall art you’ve purchased. We will also give you the main tips on how to create a harmonious look with the help of instruments you have and insights you’ll get to know.

Step 1: Get everything prepared

To hang a decoration, you will need the proper tools. Here what is needed: nails or screws (take as many as the number of panels you have), hammer or drill, level tool, pencil, and toothpaste. Do not get amused by the last thing in the list, toothpaste could be really helpful in different life situations.

How to Hang Multi Panel Wall Art? Tools

Step 2: Think about the desired spot for your art

Yay, the preparations are over and now we are moving to the process of decorating your empty wall. But first thing you need to do is to decide where you would like to hang that piece of art.

Devil is in detail, so the main thing is to mind the height and distance between panels. People tend to make mistakes at this very point: they are basing on the visual side, not precision.

Height usually depends on the height of people living in space. An artwork should be hung at an eye-level. If you want to place a decoration on a blank wall and there is nothing else by it, make sure the midpoint of art is 57-60 inches from the floor.

If you’re placing it above the sofa, for example, the height should be 12 inches. It’s also vital to align the center of artwork and the center of furniture. Symmetric works great in interiors, it adds a balance and sense of order.

Distance plays an important role. The total tied-together look depends on it. So how to hang canvas art so that it looks effective? If you place the pieces too far from it, the whole charm and sense will just disappear. The optimal distance is 1 inch between each of the pieces.

If you want to decorate your wall in an asymmetric way, be consistent. If you are placing a central (main) panel on one height and the other one on 2-3 inches lower, make sure you stick to that 2-3 inches while finishing the decoration.

Main look is the thing you should think of even before buying art. To get a harmonic look of your apartment or house is easy when you know for sure what you’re going to hang. If you’d like to have an artwork above the sofa, you could make some measurements before buying art. The total width of it should not be bigger than the total width of your furniture. If you want to make it on purpose – think of extra-large sizes that would create the desired look.

Step 3: Mark the wall

After dicing on the right spot and height, the time has come to hang the main panel. And at this point, the toothpaste would be your life-saver.

Spread the toothpaste on the hanger which is on the backside of canvas. Then press the frame to the wall and the toothpaste will leave a mark. Repeat the same with other pieces. This will lead you to the next step.

Step 4: Place the nail

Drive the nail into the wall. You can hit a hammer using the hammer or you could use screws and drill. After this, hang the panel, mark the point of where the side of the next panel is. Then repeat the same actions until each canvas is finally hung.

Alternatives: Forget about Damaging Walls

This is a great tip for those who rent an apartment but want to create an interesting atmosphere and homeowners who would like to keep walls safe.

In such case you will need:

  • Pencil;
  • Double-sided tape (make sure it’s strong enough);
  • Building level;
  • Measuring tape.

Before marking your wall, you can put the canvases on the floor and arrange them in a way you want to hang them. Mind the space between pieces, think about symmetry and asymmetry. Then, take a measuring tape and put down some notes of the main measurements.

Use the tape and pencil to mark the wall. After making a few markings, take the canvas or print you have and stick an adhesive tape to the corners. It is also a great choice for those artworks that do not have a wooden frame or hanger at all.

Hanging 3 piece canvas of relatively small size would seem to be not that difficult. But what if you want to complement your interior with something bigger? Double-sided tape will work for small 5 panel wall pictures as well. Having smaller pieces but more of them would be a little trick. Visually picture will look big and wide – thanks to the space between panels. The main idea is to have light pieces to ensure the tape will cope with such task and the whole décor stays in the right place.

After the work is done you can look at the whole picture and make sure everything is as you wanted. Take a step back and enjoy the beautiful art.

Summing it up, both ways are good to use. The first one will ensure the art is steady and will stay there for years. It is an ideal solution for homeowners that have made up their minds regarding a decoration. The second way is easier and more flexible. You can change the number of panels or prints with years or you can get rid of artworks at all and leave a wall blank and clean.

No matter which way you choose, you’ll end up having an artwork hanging on your wall!

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